It's hard to feel thankful amid layoffs, trashed economy, wars, global warming and pollution, lack of justice for so many, and the list goes on. And yet I'm still thankful this year - call me an eternal optimist, albeit these days a little more forced than usual for me. For those of you in other lands, I'm sure you know America sets one day aside (well, four, actually, but one Thursday in particular) to give thanks for all we have (or had...) and count our blessings - which I do. But this year, it's a little harder. Well, it's almost all a matter of attitude, so I'll be thankful for more competent government (relatively), more inspiration, renewed hope, and justice for all (and I hope the crooks and others who allowed credit default swaps and securitized rogue instruments of mass destruction do indeed get the justice they deserve...). Happy Turkey Day, all.
Gary North
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