Saturday, March 7, 2009

Welcome back!

... Actually I'm welcoming MYSELF back -- I've been away from this and my other blogs way too long. I'm hoping I'll be putting my journalism musings and concerns here and at (vs. my rants on human behavior at The Bisexual Curmudgeon). I'm even toying with the idea of posting some chapters from some of my books (you know: the manuscripts you pick away at for, oh, 40 #$%@ YEARS!). For now I'll just note the general demise of journalism as a profession ( noticed, eh? ohhh...) and that I'm all for "cit-j" (citizen journalism) ... which of course doesn't pay very well (actually nothing, usually), but at least it's not elitist. My concern is that the "legacy newsrooms" will disappear, and along with them the skills, institutional knowledge, and professional ethics that are the hallmarks of good reportage. I'll try to post links, and please let me know of ones you come across, besides some of those in the right-hand column.